When working with the color of the logotype, it is necessary to respect its exact shade. Corporate colors are codified using the PANTONE color scale. These spot colors correspond to the registration colors in the CMYK system and other color systems listed.
The one-color design of the logotype is applied only if it is not possible to reproduce the color for technical reasons. The permitted forms are both positive and negative.
When working with the color of the logotype, it is necessary to respect its exact shade. Corporate colors are codified using the PANTONE color scale. These spot colors correspond to the registration colors in the CMYK system and other color systems listed.
The one-color design of the logotype is applied only if it is not possible to reproduce the color for technical reasons. The permitted forms are both positive and negative.
Part of creating a logo is a logo manual, a manual that defines the basic variants of using the logo, color, font and all the possibilities of manipulation and coordination with the brand. It serves for more accurate communication not only within the company, but also for external suppliers of advertising or advertising agencies. It thus maintains accurate brand awareness in relation to customers.